Death by PowerPoint and how to avoid that

Death by PowerPoint: the Pain, the Monsters and the Horror

George TorokInsights, Powerpoint, Presentation Tips

PowerPoint Monsters and Disasters You Can Avoid …if you Want
You know that a PowerPoint presentation can be a painful experience for the presenter and especially the audience. Let’s have some fun and throw some humor into the mix to laugh at the terrible PowerPoint presentations and then we can fix it. Let’s become aware of the problem and then work to use slide more effectively.

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Build self confidence

How to Build Your Self-Confidence

George TorokExecutive presence, Leadership communication, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking

Self-confidence is the currency of success. It can be a elusive coin. Yet it is critical to life and success.
It can determine the difference between success and failure, happiness and misery, and even life and death. It’s not something that comes naturally, yet it’s a skill that can be learned and improved upon with practice. In this article, we will discuss some practical tips and techniques that can help you build self-confidence.

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own the room

How to Own the Room when You Present

George TorokLeadership communication, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking

Do you want to own the room? What might that mean? How can you own the room? Owning the room is a feeling of comfort and confidence.

A successful presentation starts with the presenter owning the room. When you know and own the room, you will feel more powerful and confident. That enables more effective and successful presentations for you.

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Start your presentation

How to open your presentation

George TorokInsights, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking

Your first words are important because your audience is judging you. They are scrolling through questions in their mind:
Should I listen? How long will this take? Do I trust the person? How painful will this be? When will we get to the relevant part? What does this mean to me?

The purpose of your opening is to grab their attention, establish rapport and set the direction.

Most importantly – grab attention. How might you do that?

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Grab attention when you open your presentation

Grab Attention when You Open Your Presentation

George TorokInsights, Presentation Tips, Public Speaking

How to open your presentation
Your first words are important because your audience is judging you. They are scrolling through questions in their mind:
Should I listen? How long will this take? Do I trust the person? How painful will this be? When will we get to the relevant part? What does this mean to me?

The purpose of your opening is to grab their attention, establish rapport and set the direction.
Most importantly – grab attention. How might you do that?

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Worst presentation ever manure

Worst Presentation Ever: Silly Phrases pt 3

George TorokCommunication skills, Insights, Leadership communication, Presentation Tips

What can you learn from the worst presentation? There is no Perfect Presentation. The goal is to deliver an effective presentation. An effective presentation is one that informs and moves the audience. As a presenter you can learn from the techniques of effective presenters. What did they do that worked well and you might be able to use in your presentations?

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